Today the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. 6 individuals were able to change the lives of millions. The court stated every life has a right to decide for itself. But a woman cannot decide for herself when it comes to reproduction. I understand their value placed on life. But what is life if it is a result of rape or incest? Or even an accident on birth control pills? How will the baby be supported if the mother is not mature enough to take care of it or no one wants it? Today society is about individualism, not community. If you hate the idea of wearing a mask during a pandemic because your health is at risk from lack of oxygen, how can you celebrate this supreme court decision about taking away a woman's right to her body and life? This will not end abortion, just safe ones in those righteous states. Why bring forth a baby into a world that will discriminate against it if it is part of the LGBTQ+ community? Or even a minority with racism, misogyny, and even uncovered healthcare benefits? Healthcare insurance companies won't cover the "pre-existing" conditions. If one does value life from the moment of conception, then one should ensure its life is given equal rights with resources for basic living. One should also value the life of the currently living. Our community seems to have been torn, ripped at the heart of "love thy neighbor". We've become immune to mass shooting, police brutality, bad leaders, and entertainment opinions as facts. The country is even divided on the insurrection of Jan. 6 because there are people who want to hold onto their power in government. I mean, having a pension and lifelong health benefit is dang attractive, not to mention under the table perks, for serving one term. You can make things up and people would believe you. Millions would believe your lies. It's ironic that the people who are celebrating today's verdict are the same people who don't want to pay taxes to social programs. How does one small portion of the population gets to dictate how the majority live? Isn't our voting system based on the majority rules? But money talks and has lot of influence. Think Delta Dental insurance company. Their reps cheat their own clients out of a proper payment/reimbursement. You have to check item by item each time you get a check from them. It's unreal and pathetic. But they get away with it because they are huge. If you study the history to Planned Parenthood, it was the republican way to ensure poor people don't populate their communities. They wanted to control low-income birth rate, regardless of color. Then the Democrats took on this calling and made it theirs to give support to women, regardless of class. But Democrats in the majority seems to be futile right now. Their lack of action to hold public leaders accountable for bad behavior allows more people to behave badly. Let's not forget this day that has set us back 50 years. What is the SCOTUS going to take away next? Same-sex marriage? This should tell you no one should have their job guaranteed for life. If you don't perform your duty well, you need to be fired or disciplined especially if you are there to serve the people of the land. This mentality is dangerous to a changing world. We need to move forward, not backwards. Our founding fathers could not have possibility thought of every single scenarios for the future. That is why they included the 9th amendment in the Bill of Rights. What happened to that? Image from the Handmaid's Tales, where fertile women are forced to have sex with their masters as that is what God want. Only the chosen few can run the world in the name of God during daylight. But when nighttime comes, they celebrate with his fallen angel behind closed doors. In this series, women can't even read in public, even if it's the woman who help formed this society. Depressing...
February 2025