August marks another round trip accomplishment around the sun for me. it doesn't bother me but every few years, the image staring back at me in the mirror is older looking. Some years it's more beautiful than I thought, some years it's too dreary. I don't like those latter years. But I don't beat myself up because of them either. I just keep on moisturizing as sleep is hard to get nowadays. This past year, I had lost a colleague and an old friend. I also lost part of my patience because people are mean. We had a patient who complimented our office above and beyond but when the bill came to pay, he harassed my receptionists everyday via phone calls and emails. He even threatened them. It was too much to be cordial. As professionals, do we have to keep quiet and nod in agreement with this behavior? If you know me, you know the answer. I just move onto the next day. Time heals a lot as it calms the mind to forget the intensity of anger. Vengeance also calms the mind to forget the intensity of anger, surprisingly enough. As I lost people and patience, I've also gained people and patience around me. Our office is growing nicely and we're having so much fun. Like I've always said, our patient population is 95% good , the other lowly 5% unfortunately occupies way too much space and time in my office's conscience. But they also nudge me begrudgingly to be patient. My kids have mastered this skill with me. It's embarrassing to admit but it is pure truth. This past year, we also celebrated new births, marriages and accomplishments. I forget sometimes to live in the moment. I'm bogged down with everyday chores and routines. I love dentistry so I accept the load. I love raising my kids so I also accept the busyness of it. Wishing for more time is crazy because who wants a 26 hours day? Wishing to go back in time is nonsense. I doubt if I would ever be able to do that so I don't want to waste time thinking about it. However, wishing to win the lotto is more realistic, even at 1 in 300,000,000 chance. So I will wish to win the lotto one day. At this rate, I would even take winning $1000. Here's to taking the little things to make us happy. Here's to another trip around the life provider of a big giant star. Cheers! One of the many birthday treats throughout the week. I was so happy and grateful for the sweets. I think by now my patients know buying me sweet treats is one of the ways into my heart.
February 2025