Just when we thought the pandemic will end in 2021, it continues into 2023 with a new virus, new super infection and "tripledemic". More than a million people have died. But millions of people have also started a new life with mass resignations. It seems like wherever there is disaster, there is also hope. We met a lot of challenges this year. We also accomplished more goals. We ultimately grew as an office and as clinicians. We devoted ourselves to learning more and being able to do more. We made some big decisions and lots of little ones, too. We are contributing less to the chopping of trees but more to the planting of trees. We will continue to do our part and look for ways to lower our carbon footprint. We got more involved with the community through our volunteer services and organizations. We were not able to donate toothbrushes like we usually do. Apparently, there is a shortage of toothbrushes from our supplier for months now. Dentistry is a great profession to be in. It's a mixture of science and finances, together with leadership and social service. Today, it's also one of the most expensive schooling to attain. Some students owe up to $600+K after graduation. There are so many things wrong with that. Medical students owe less upon completion of their training but makes more. Dental insurance companies pays less and less with time while medical insurances pays more. The irony is that the oral health correlates with the overall health: heart, lungs, bone, vision, hearing, fetal health, etc. If your mouth is infected chronically because you can't afford dental care, your overall health is affected. We need to think less about capitalism and the "me" mentality and focus on the health of the community. If the community can't come together, we will see more homelessness, drugs/alcohol abuse, individual mental health issues, suicide/homicide, and more on the rise making our own environment unsafe and sad. Maybe it's my aging mind that I do believe our happiness is connected to our environment: people, places and things. So let's try to be kinder and nicer to each other. Judge less and keep quiet even when you want to scream. The other person may be having a rougher day than you are. But please do scream before you explode. The medical community said cursing lessen the pain when you injure yourself. Here's to a new year, clean slate and continual work on ourselves to be a better person to the world. "V" is for Vu...a gift from one of my dental sisters. :-)
August 2024