Truth be told, I try not to get into politics because it's a combative subject. Everyone has the "right" opinions. But recently, the republican VP candidate said that our country is going to be run by childless cat ladies who are miserable and want the rest of the country to be miserable with them. It's such a ridiculous accusation that I'm not going to address it. But there's a story I want to tell.
About 2 years ago, I went to a wedding. At our table, my husband and I were the only married couple with kids. Actually, we were the only people with kids. Even the long term dating singletons did not have kids . Everyone at this table was a professional: Ph.D in cancer research, engineers, doctors, and yes, an assistant director for the Department of Justice. You can see her on tv behind witnesses at a congressional hearing. These couples have been together for more than 15 years. Only 1 couple couldn't conceive, even with IVF. The rest decided their family of 2 was enough. But that one person was still hurting after 8 years. As she explained to me, "There is a difference between not wanting kids and not being able to conceive. It makes you feel less of a woman." She had to go to therapy to get over this diagnosis. Medical intervention failed. It brought her to a very dark place. She was mad at her husband for even suggesting they should have a kid; they had agreed years ago to focus on their careers without kids. My heart broke in two next to the million pieces of her own heart. So to hear someone say childless people are miserable people. It is so hurtful to me. There are millions of women who cannot conceive yet want children of their own. To this day, I still feel the intensity of her story. It was told with profound sadness. I was not happy to hear our potential future VP's derogatory view of childless people. It is narrow-minded and extremely short-sighted. It attests to his character and how we need to fit into his view of family and patriotism. He seems to lack sympathy. In a country of at least 400 million people, the second most powerful position should not have a confound belief of patriotism. |
February 2025